Research Partners
Research on Adaptability, Agronomy and Utilization of AERC’s Forage Sorghum Hybrids are being conducted across Canada in Partnership with Agriculture and Agri Food Canada, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs, University of Guelph, Quebec Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and several other Government and Private Research Organizations.

Feeding trials with AERC’s grain sorghum hybrids were conducted at Univesity of Guelph with broiler chicken, dairy cows and pigs. Forage Sorghum feeding trials with dairy and beef cattle have been conducted at Kemptville College, University of Guelph since 1998.
Canada-Wide Testing
We’ve been testing our products across Canada for over 5 years. Yield and quality measurements over time demonstrate the benefits our unique seeds have;
“Multi-location testing over years indicated that CFSH-30 is 14 to 76 % superior to the check US Sudan grass in total forage dry matter yield (Table1). CFSH-30 forage was high in quality with 12- 16 % crude protein (CP), 28- 34 % acid detergent fiber (ADF) 56-59 % neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and 81-84 % invitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and net energy lactation (NEL) of 1.3 – 1.4 (Mcal/kg) across locations. The variation of Forage quality across regions is small as compared to the yield (Table 1 and 3).”
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For all of our research data on our products, download our brochure. Find individual product downloads on our product pages.